In the three years that I've been with DSS (wow, is it that long?), there have been one constant in an environment of change.
Oh, sure, we have a couple of online forms for notetaking and alternate format text, but for the majority of students, paper has been everywhere. Testing requests, checking out alt format or equipment, notetaker contracts, accommodation letters.... it's everywhere! All that is about to change.
Enter AIMS, a totally new way to request and manage your accommodations. This completely accessible, online, 24/7 system will allow you to do many things you've never been able to do before:
- Customize your accommodation letters to each class, showing only the accommodations that you'll need in that specific environment.
- Automatically send those customized accommodation letters to your instructors, and track when you sent them.
- Request all your services at the same time you create your accommodation letter, all online at any time.
- Even better, track the status of those requests! No more wondering what's up with your alt text or notetaker!
- Retrieve notes from your notetaker online, any time! No more trudging in to the office to pick them up. Great for the Medford HEC and night classes!
- Schedule and track your test requests online, at any time. (There are some other great changes coming for testing, so hang on to your hats!)
- And much, much more!
Questions? Thoughts? Let's hear about 'em in the comments!